Piano Michel Bourdoncle
direction Tchaikovsky Tommaso Placidi, par le Craiova Philharmonic orchestra. CD Nuits Pianistiques en Avignon.

CONCERTINO IN CASINO 8th Concert, Live 21 Juni 2012, TOMMASO PLACIDI, Cond. with CARLO GRANTE, Piano From ...
Concerto al Quirinale Dicembre 2012
Tommaso Placidi - dirige la Wiener Kammer Orchester al Palazzo del Quirinale 09/12/2012 per il concerto di Natale. 09/...

(...) Opera companies around the world should kidnap conductor Tommaso Placidi. Italian-born and Swiss-based, Placidi makes Gounod's 1865 overly wrought music sound like the greatest opera ever written, achingly beautiful and intensely dramatic. The Spoleto orchestra is made up of young musicians culled from the best conservatories in the United States and the wannabe professionals play their hearts out for Placidi. It is the best-sounding orchestra I have heard in all my Spoleto years. Placidi reaches into Gounod and literally pulls out the heart strings (...) - PAULA CITRON


Gala Concert for the 3rd World Climate Conference, Geneva From 31 August to 4 September 2009 the Geneva International Center has hosted the 3rd World Climate Conference under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This meeting was the opportunity to bring together scientists, decision makers, politicians and world weather service...